Monday 29 September 2008

Job roles....

Lesson Powerpoint

Various Job Roles

Jobs in the Media can be divided into two categories, 'creative' and 'non-creative'.
From producers to caterers jobs in the media can be very different.

Jobs behind the scenes
Jobs behind the scenes cont...
Job Profiles
Working in the Industry

Job structures in the Media.
How are people paid for what they do in the media? What kind of contracts are they working to?
As you have found out there are many different types of jobs in the media and due to the nature of these roles, there are many different ways of being paid for what you do. Many people work as freelancers in the media and some work on short-term contracts. Many specialists in the industry only work when work comes along, work may not be regular but over certain periods of time.

Journalists roles have changed, as technology has changed. Journalists can now work from anywhere and don't neccessarily have to work from the office. A laptop will allow certain types of journalists the freedom to carry out there work from anywhere. With the advent of the internet, it is also important that content is created regularly and uploaded instantly.

There are hundreds of jobs in the media and many different conditions of employment.

How do you forge a career in the media?

So if you want to work in the media, where do you start? Choose a job role in your chosen industry and reseach the relevant career pathways and work-experience.

What courses are available, from AS courses to Post-Graduate courses?
Which universities specialise in media related courses?
Working in the media
Courses and Careers

Relevant websites and resources.........
Getting work in TV
Getting work in TV history programmes
Getting work in documentaries
Getting work as a director
Getting work as location manager
Getting work as a producer
Prosthetic Designer
Jobs in the media
BBC Jobs

Task 1: Use the resources above to create an organisational chart which highlights the different jobs available in the TV and Film Industries.
(P2 M2 D2)

Your chart should......
  • include all relevant roles and responsibilities
  • use precise terminology
  • show organizational relationships clearly

Use the terms below as categories or sub-headings for you chart......
management; creative; editorial; technical; research; financial;
organisational; administrative

Incorporate the different working patterns for different roles, such as...
shift work; fixed term; office hours; freelance; irregular
pattern; hourly rates; piece work

Task 2: You are a special guest on a radio programme and you are on the show as an industry specialist. Choose a specific job role, preferably a role that you are interested in pursuing in the future and research the role. You will be asked the questions that are listed below and you are expected to give comprehensive answers. (P2 M2 D2)
  • Do you need specific training for your job?
  • What tasks are associated with your job?
  • What is the most important responsibility of your job?
  • What is the most interesting problem you have to solve in your job?

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