Monday 29 September 2008

Preparing personal career development material......

Internal Verification

Teacher of unit: Chris Jackson

Signature: Ja

Internal Verifier: James Burkinshaw

Signature: Bk

Aim of assignment:
All tasks give a clear outline of expectations and guidance and are clearly related to the syllabus.

Learning Outcomes:
Students are clear about the learning outcomes which are presented in a variety of formats befitting the different types of knowledge and skills learned.

Are the criteria addressed in the tasks?
The criteria are clearly addressed and accessible to all students. The material is supplemented by the clear sharing of marking criteria.   

Is is set at an appropriate level?
As above. The breadth of material available allows both challenge for the most able and support for those who need it.  

Does it use the right language?
Yes - the language used is necessarily complex and precise, allowing students to analyse and comment on their work and media texts in general.

Is it presented clearly?
Yes. The layout is clear, easy to navigate and organised into manageable shorter tasks. 

Date of internal verification: September 2008. J. Burkinshaw

Any other comments..... The development of the pgsmedia website will be an enormous help to our students who can access the units freely to allow individual programmes of study.

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