Monday 29 September 2008

Legal and ethical issues....


There are many different types of contracts available in the media, different job roles dictate particular types of contracts.

The BBC has a range of different contracts

  • Attachment
  • Fixed Term
  • Casual
  • Flexi
  • Freelance
  • Secondment
  • Voluntary

Many people employed in the media have to sign a confidentiality agreement.
Can you think of any examples where employees would have to keep quiet about information they have access to?

Some contracts state that the employee can only work for that organisation, this is called exclusivity.
Can you think of any celebrities who are committed to working for one organisation or any job roles where you may have to remain exclusive to one company?
Are there any examples of organisations only working with other o
Think about sports broadcasting, the oscars, Blu-ray and H
D TV, the BBC.

Employment Legislation:

health and safety; equal opportunities; Employment 
Equality (Age) Regulations 2006; employer’s liability; employee rights; belonging
to a trade union; Intellectual Property: copyright; trademarks; other forms of
intellectual property; passing off.

Task 1: Explain the different types of contracts available and  highlight some of the jobs available at the moment to employees at the BBC. 
Explain the notion of confidentiality and exclusivity agreements and provide relevant examples.(P3 M3 D3)

Task 2: Fill in a PGS Media Risk Assessment (Media Share---Sixth Form-----Health and Safety)
Choose a location out in the community and fill in the form as if you are going to do some filming at that location. (P3 M3 D3)

PGS Media : Risk AssessmentRisk assessement is a 
process of identifying possible risks and assessing their likelihood and severity. This might lead to further action being taken.

1. Risks should be ‘rated’ according to the following codes :
SEVERITY SCALENegligible : NLow risk : L
Moderate risk : M
Severe risk : SVery severe risk : VS
LIKELIHOOD SCALEVery unlikely : VU Unlikely : U
Possible : PLikely : LVery likely : V
Task 3: Provide definitions of and examples relating to the following terms of Media Legislation.......equal opportunities; Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006; employer’s liability; employee rights; belonging to a trade union; Intellectual Property: copyright; trademarks; (P3 M3 D3)

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